Where: Northernmost point on Curacao https://www.google.com/maps/place/Watamula+Hole/@12.3833536,-69.1587548,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8e84bc54a2bf14fd:0xf6030257eb8f0b1b!2sWatamula!3b1!8m2!3d12.383333!4d-69.15!3m4!1s0x8e84bc51d3e8b907:0x6d5389f41fd0d8e2!8m2!3d12.3903973!4d-69.1561836
Description: Visit the most northern point of curacao and the hear the island breathing. Find the large hole in the lava rock awash with seawater.
Option: Lunch at Landhuis Misje
Nice and friendly atmosphere in the back yard of the house. Tasty menu with appropriate options for kids. Best Ava di Lamunchi drink on the island!!! Don´t mind the roosters walking freely around the table; they are very content and won´t disturb you. Check out their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Restaurantlandhuismisje/
They are closed on Tuesdays. Open all other days 12:00- 21:00
Pre-requisites: The final stretch is a dirt road, best negotiated with a high wheelbase car or 4x4. Wear good walking shoes.
The drive to the location is an adventure in itself!
On arrival you will find jagged, uneven volcanic rock below your feet; it’s like you have landed on another planet. Walk carefully, as all the ground-cover plants are thorny! Listen out for the sound of waves crashing into the caves in the ground under your feet; they say that is the sound of the island breathing.
The hole in the ground into the sea is breathtaking. In places where the seawater has evaporated, you can see pink salt deposits. Is this because of iron in the water? Also, look out for the sea bashing the cliff faces and springing meters into the air.
